Gratz Pilates is located in Philadelphia and our equipment can be found in studios all over the world. Teachers and Students know the Gratz difference and consider our apparatus an indispensable part of their practice. We are proud to carry on the tradition and serve the Pilates community. You can count on Gratz to protect Joseph Pilates’ vision, respecting the details of every item we produce.
Olga Burkova, Mind Body Studio
Having accumulated enough practical experience and knowledge, I can say with confidence: I know what each of us needs, how we cannot only improve our body and gain a tonus, but also "get stronger" spiritually. And the name for all these tricks is the Pilates system. Not so complicated and accessible to everyone without exception.
I travel to support other studios during their high seasons, provide coverage to allow studio owners to travel without closing their studios, teach workshops and online classes. The best part of being a part of this Pilates community is connecting with others and continuing Joe’s method.
Nicole Smith-Alvarez
The classical Pilates work is endless and performing it on Gratz is magic. One can build a progression from the most basic movement, to a three dimensional action. Snake and Twist on the reformer are a part of the advanced system, where one can move in all planes of action.
Saul Choza, Winsor Choza Pilates
I love the shorter shoulder blocks. They ‘embrace’ your shoulder in a different way when you laid down. Even on Stomach Massage hands back, was for some of my clients with tight shoulders a difference, because the hands are placed a little lower, so they did not sink that fast into their shoulders.
Amanda Diatta, Contrology Pilates Studio
Working with the Gratz Archive Reformer, you will have the feeling of getting the maximum benefit of each exercise, a precise and accurate feedback in each movement, the details of shoulder blocks, foot bar, angle of the springs, carriage will make your workout even better and you will see the difference on your clients!
Miguel Silva, Uno Pilates Studio - “The Lab”
I actually loved it so much that I decided to have one of my reformers converted to the Archive model! I can’t wait to do my first workout on it!
Brie Adina Neff, Equilibrium Pilates
Gratz is simple and complex at the same time but any person who has ever worked with Gratz immediately falls in love with it. I can compare it with immense starry sky – when people come and lie down on the reformer for the first time, they not always understand what is going on and even get confused facing challenging tasks...
Denis Sychev, Practice Makes Perfect, Pilates PMP
The heart of the Pilates work is of course in the practitioner - whether a beginner or an advanced client - but the best vehicle for cultivating this deep strength is absolutely the Gratz equipment - there is no substitute! Gratz equipment's simple, effective, challenging, and streamlined framework provides the ideal foundation for a practitioner to cultivate and hone the strength and grace inherent in the Authentic Pilates method.
Brooke Tyler, Clasique Acupuncture & Pilates Studio
Gratz is dedicated to making the most authentic and the highest quality Pilates equipment anywhere in the world. That is the simple reason why I only use Gratz Pilates equipment at my studio.
Ken Heizman, Original Method Pilates