Discounts & Special Offers
Discounts and Special Offers for Gratz Pilates Equipement
Each discount or special offer has a code that you can type in during checkout, which tells our system to apply that particular offer or discount toward your purchase. Before using any discount or special offer, be sure to check its terms and conditions for specific guidelines and restrictions. Some discounts are good only for certain items, while other special offers require that any remaining balance be paid in full prior to shipment.
When you are ready to purchase, go to checkout. In the payments section of checkout, enter the discount code exactly. The codes are case sensitive. Only one Promotional Discount code per order will be accepted.
Check back frequently for our special sales and promotions. Take advantage of our events page to locate discounted demo equipment that is for sale and will be available for pick up in your area.
Gratz will provide a discount on orders over $10,000 and $20,000.
Gratz provides a certification discount to select Pilates training programs. Verification is required.
If you have questions about how you may qualify to receive a discount, please contact our sales representative at 1-215-222-1225 or email us at