August 2018 | Edmonds, Washington.


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop


The commitment to Gratz - The equipment is very important to everyone at The Workshop.
Since they were all trained on it, they know the value of it being the best out there. The studio is very complete as is,
and having every piece available, is the ultimate goal to serve the clients the best they can.

Katie Kahumoku
The Workshop



The Workshop is the second studio for Katie Kahumoku. She owned and taught at Pilates in the Village from early 2006 to late 2016. The last few years at PITV, the goal of a wellness center with Pilates as the main component became clear and so The Workshop was born in 2016!

The Workshop is a fully equipped Gratz pilates studio that offers therapeutic massage and chiropractic care/functional fitness for those wanting/needing more than pilates in one easy location. The Edmonds community is small, folks like to have a one stop shop and requested to add these services often over the last 13 years.

By having all three components, they can satisfy the requests they have had in house as well as have pilates exposed to more people!

The studio is located on the waterfront in downtown Edmonds and designed so that every person gets to walk by the beautiful Gratz equipment to get ready for what ever service that have come in for.



The staff is complete with long time pilates practitioners. All the them have deep roots and have been taking lessons at either The Workshop (Pilates in the Village), Atlas Pilates or Pilates Seattle International for 15-20+ years each.

All were trained at either PSI or Atlas and continue to take lessons weekly at one of these studios.

The continuity of Gratz equipment used at all of the studios they attend, makes both the continuing the journeys in their bodies possible and the ability to teach the best they can, seamless. With Katie’s new role as a teacher trainer under Lori Coleman- Brown (of Atlas Pilates) and having The Workshop a satellite training center of Atlas Pilates, as well as instructors and some long time clients using Pilatesology in the studio, the seamlessness of Gratz use is priceless.


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop





Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop

Katie Kahumoku


Katie moved to Seattle in 1996. She has always been drawn to fitness and wellness, so when a co-worker recovered from a whiplash injury using Pilates, Katie was intrigued. After just a few lessons, she was hooked. After several years as a client, she went through the training program at what was “The Pilates Studio of Seattle” (now Pilates Seattle International) and became certified to teach in 2001. After multiple rear-end collisions, Katie rehabilitated every injury with Pilates. She was also able to correct a naturally tight upper back, hyper-extended knocked knees and flat feet by taking bi-weekly lessons. Katie Kahumoku-Owner/Instructor

She has built her career on the belief that Pilates and hard work can at the very least reduce, and most of the time eliminate pain. The personal connection she has with clients is very important to her and customer service is a top priority in the studio. She has worked in several studios, and opened Pilates in the Village in early 2006. She always tries make time to give back in some way, usually teaching at least one hour a week to someone in need, but without a budget for Pilates. The hope is to offer more of that as her team gets stronger can take on more.

She credits many of her instructors for all that they have taught her. She had the opportunity to learn from Romana Krysonowska for several years and did her final testing with her. Romana’s passion for Joe’s work was an inspiration to always try her best to help a client. However, it is with working and learning from Lori Coleman-Brown that Katie credits as her biggest influence. Education is very important to Katie, whether it is something big or small a client may teach her, taking lessons, continuing education workshops or work groups at Atlas. She is looking forward to having the opportunity to work with Lori as a Teacher Trainer at Atlas Pilates in Seattle and hopefully traveling to teach as well.

Katie is a dedicated mom to three boys, a baby girl and a dog, a wife, a full-time instructor and studio owner. Her life is very full and never boring! Without the help from the team at PITV and a supportive husband and family, it wouldn’t get done, so she is very thankful for the 12 wonderful years of owning and operating Pilates in the Village in Edmonds.

In 2014 Katie and Kim Engelke connected through Pilates. With similar goals and Kim’s business mind, the two decided to team up and open The Workshop in 2016. Kim left the business in the summer of 2018 to pursue nursing so Katie is once again being behind the curtain as well as still teaching full time and now a teacher trainer under Lori Coleman-Brown with The Workshop being a satellite training center.

Certified Classical Pilates Instructor (Romana)
Pilates Teacher Trainer (Atlas Pilates)



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop

Hanni Reeb


As a youth, Hanni was a gymnast, swimmer and diver. In her early adulthood she taught Aerobics and acted in musical theater which often involved dance choreography and acrobatics. Entering the corporate world and ultimately starting a family, she made little time to pursue such movement oriented activities. As a result, health took a backseat and a sedentary lifestyle took precedence.

Then, in 1998 Hanni started Pilates when a friend needed a practice client for her apprenticeship program at P.S.I. She was very eager to try out a system that promised a whole new body after 30 sessions. She worked out thrice weekly and was amazed at the transformation. She was thrilled to have found a program that embodied everything that she felt was important in exercise, and that actually kept her attention all through out.

Ever since, she has become almost evangelical about Pilates. Her hiking, swimming, triathlon training (and even Parallel parking—ask about that one!) have all benefited from it. Over the years several people have approached her, thanking her for recommending such a program.

Happy that she has influenced these people to do something that produced such positive results, she decided to become certified to be directly involved with people’s transformational results.

You will instantly become aware of her enthusiasm and commitment to the Pilates practice as soon as you sign up for a session with her. In her teaching, she draws from her many interests and life experiences around the world, in her former career in international marketing, as well as being a mom and school volunteer. Hanni uses a lot of visuals and descriptive language to help you understand your goals in executing each move. She has an uninhibited style of using her voice to get you to into the rhythm of an exercise as well. You will progress in your Pilates practice, knowing that you have a teacher that respects the work so immensely that she is constantly in movement workshops, honing her craft and will continue to do so for many years to come.

Certified Classical Pilates Instructor (Romana)



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop

Sharon Hummel-Kramer


Sharon is a 2017 Graduate from Atlas Pilates in Seattle. Sharon received her Pilates training from Lori Coleman-Brown, making her a third generation, classically trained Joseph Pilates instructor. Prior to entering the Pilates apprenticeship, Sharon retired in 2016 from a career in healthcare. Realizing that she wanted to approach healthcare from a different direction, her love of Pilates made the pursuit of a Pilates instructor certification a natural choice.

Sharon is a passionate equestrian. She owns two horses named Capote and Saboteur. Sharon competes in regional dressage shows. Prior to Pilates, Sharon felt she was strong from years of bodybuilding, triathlons, and commuting to work on her bicycle. However, after a long break from riding, when she returned to classical dressage, there was an event when her horse spooked and Sharon pulled a muscle. There were more events like this where something small happened and Sharon sustained a muscle injury. These events sent her to Sports Medicine Physical Therapy. It was there that her physical therapist told her, “I can keep fixing you or you can just do Pilates.” Sharon immediately began Pilates. Her physical therapist was correct, the injuries stopped. Through Pilates, Sharon learned that in order to be strong, muscles must also be supple. Pilates changed Sharon’s definition of strength. Pilates also changed Sharon’s riding making her a more balanced rider. Her horses thank her.

All bodies benefit from the Pilates principles, which include control, concentration, centering, breathing, precision, flow and rhythm. These principles benefit will benefit everyone as they apply Pilates to their daily activities. Whether an equestrian, a cyclist, a skier, a gardener, a cook, a programmer, or a dog walker these principles apply. Pilates helps all bodies to move. And, Pilates is fun.

Come have fun at The Workshop. Sharon looks forward to meeting and working with you.

Certified Classical Pilates Instructor



Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop

Shawna Butterworth


A true Pacific Northwest local, Shawna has resided in the North Seattle area her entire life. Quality of movement has been important to her for as long as she can remember. Spending most of her childhood through early 20’s doing gymnastics including 3 years of coaching at both youth and high school levels, the importance of proper movement is deeply ingrained. She knows that correct body alignment can send you soaring through the air, or just as importantly gliding with ease through your day with controlled movement, adding balance to your everyday life.

After high school Shawna obtained a degree in Engineering Design Technology from a local college, and rolled into a career as a Mechanical Designer for 15 years. While she got to let her creative side flourish in the designing process, sitting long hours in front of the computer everyday took a toll on her body. A few years into her technical career she went looking for an activity to keep her body functioning in a better way. When she heard about a Pilates studio opening in her neighborhood in 2006, she knew she had to give classical Pilates a try. It was Katie’s studio, Pilates in the Village. She was immediately hooked, and even started looking into training to be a Pilates teacher at that time, but the time commitment was too great. She was in the middle of a steady career path, which did not leave room for a rigorous apprenticeship. Nevertheless, she continued taking lessons from Katie through 2012 for balancing her own body using the Pilates method and deepening her knowledge of the work.

Mid 2016 Shawna found herself looking for a better work/life balance and took a break from her role as a Senior Mechanical Designer. While exploring her possibilities she happily slipped back into the world of Pilates and began the preparations necessary to apply for a Pilates teacher training program. Shawna was accepted into an apprenticeship program under the direction of Lori Coleman-Brown that began in September of 2017. As part of her training she has been assisting and observing a couple days each week at The Workshop under Katie’s guidance. She is expected to complete the program in the latter half of 2018 and is looking forward to helping people feel better and achieve their goals by bringing balance, control, alignment and flow to their workouts and lives through Pilates.

Classical Pilates Apprentice






The commitment to Gratz - The equipment is very important to everyone at The Workshop. Since they were all trained on it, they know the value of it being the best out there. The studio is very complete as is, and having every piece available, is the ultimate goal to serve the clients the best they can. Sharon has brought in her Arm Chair to use until they get one and then next to complete the list will be a Guillotine and a second Wunda! If you are deciding on who to purchase your equipment through, look no further, Gratz is the best choice! For more information about The Workshop, please visit.


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - The Workshop






172 Sunset Ave S., Edmonds, WA 98020

Phone: (206) 546-7671

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