DOMINIQUE BANDI Gratz Electric Chair Banner 1

Backward Push ups | on the Gratz Electric Chair

Strengthen arms and back. Flexibility of shoulder and chest, related with the building up of push ups


DOMINIQUE BANDI Gratz Electric Chair Banner 2

PRESS UP Front Push up  | on the Gratz Electric Chair

strengthen the back, shoulder and triceps, related with the building up of push ups


About Dominque Bandi

Due to a back injury Dominique discovered Pilates and immediately felt the huge benefit this workout brought to her body. In 2014 Dominique went through the training of „The Pilates Standard“ at the Pilatesfabrik Uster and successfully completed the training progamm 1 year later.

In 2017 Dominique was introduced to Miguel Silva of Uno Pilates Method. After working with Miguel Silva for some time, she decided to due the intensive program at the Uno Pilates Studio  „The Lab“ in Portugal.

In November 2019, Miguel and Dominique openend up Uno Pilates Zurich, Switzerland, as Co-Owner. At the same time, it was also the start of the Unopilates Teacher Training Program in Switzerland.



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