The ALS Golden West Los Angeles Walk to Defeat ALS 2023


  • What:
    The ALS Golden West Los Angeles Walk to Defeat ALS
    When: Sunday, November 12, 2023
    Where: UCLA Wilson Plaza
    120 Westwood Plaza
    Los Angeles CA 90095


    It is again with a heavy but hopeful heart that Team Winsor Pilates joins ALS Golden West's LA Walk to Defeat ALS and walks in memory of Mari Winsor whose passing, due to complications from ALS in April 2020 continues to leave an enormous void in our hearts.

    Mari is not only credited with making the practice of Pilates a household name, she also devoted her life and energy to educating the public both nationally and internationally about health and fitness from the inside out.

    Once Mari learned of her ALS diagnosis, her passion for helping others continued with a newfound focus as an Ambassador to ALS Golden West championing the need to raise funds for ground-breaking scientific research to find a cure.

    Help us continue Mari's fight to DEFEAT ALS by making a gift at


    We are thankful to Kristi Cooper, cofounder of Pilates Anytime, who co-directed the documentary,

    Powerhouse: The Mari Winsor Story which features many of the milestones of Mari’s life and work, along with her family, friends, and colleagues in the Pilates community. The film, which can be watched at no charge, shows how Mari took many difficult circumstances and experiences throughout her life and used them to inspire others to keep moving forward.

    Please consider reaching into your pocket to support TEAM WINSOR PILATES with a gift today.

    Our team goal is to raise $15,000. Be part of the movement powering the search for effective ALS treatments and cures. No matter how small the gift, every little bit counts and gets us closer to our team goal. 




    Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. This crippling disease can strike anyone. Presently there is no known cause of the disease yet it still costs loved ones an average of $200,000 a year to provide the care ALS patients need. Help make a difference.

    Funds raised during this event allows ALS Golden West to provide invaluable services for those diagnosed with ALS and their families such as support groups, an equipment loan program, access to specialized care, and ground-breaking scientific research to find a cure. All of these services helped Mari as she lived with ALS for 8 years. 



    • Winsor Pilates Als fundraiser

    Team Winsor Pilates

    Join us for an evening to celebrate and recognize outstanding individuals and organizations whose contributions and efforts have advanced our chapter's mission.

    It will be an inspirational evening dedicated to raising awareness and conquering ALS. The event will feature wine tasting from some premier international wineries, silent and live auctions, gourmet dinner, special guest appearances, and presentation of the Golden West Chapter's highest honors, the Essey Awards.

    Our esteemed 2019 Golden West Chapter Essey Award recipients include Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma America, Kathy Beallo and Fred Noteware. With focus and purpose, each of our honorees have pursued opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people living with ALS.


    To view a special video from Mari and Miley, check out the ALS Association Golden West Chapter's Youtube Channel:

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